Shark Attack Bike-Festival from 17.-18.6.2023
The 2023 event consists of a number of serial evaluations.
Being the start of the season for many athletes, will surely not be the easiest. The former route of the German Champs 2015 will demand a great deal of the athletes.
At the same time, this is a run of the int. MTB-Bundesliga and of the 3-Nations-Cup, the international series of races in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. This series contains some international races in the category C2, C1 and HC, and it is surely going to gain in importance in the next years.
However, also the younger athletes will not be missed out. The Pontax Nachwuchs-Cup (a competition especially for the younger athletes) focuses on the technical realization and at the same time the speediness of the young bikers. Saalhausen will be their start of the season, too. They will ride a shortened track. The youngsters, Kids and Bambini will perform their sprint in a loop around the sports field and through the Bike-O-Drom of Saalhausen.
Here you will find the most important information on the races.
Registration | Minderjährige | Meldeliste |
Ausschreibung | Streckenkarte | Zeitplan |
Start / Finish | Startnummern | Startaufstellung |
Ergebnislisten | Online-Urkunden | Parkplätze |
Übernachtungen | Camping | Sanitär |
Verpflegung | Das Wetter | Medizinisches |